

School of Information

College of Arts and Sciences

USF iSchool News

ASIS&T 2021 Annual Meeting Logo

Dr. John Gathegi & Dr. Loni Hagen Attending 2021 ASIS&T Annual Conference

School of Information faculty members, Dr. John Gathegi and Dr. Loni Hagen, will both be attending this year's in Salt Lake City, Utah. There they will be visiting members of the information science community and participating in events important in the field of information science. Dr. Hagen, as chair of the ASIS&T Social Media SIG, will help present awards for the best papers. The annual meeting will be held October 30 - November 2, 2021.

For 84 years, Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) researchers and practitioners, along with those from related fields, have been pushing advancements in information understanding, technology, and use, making substantial progress and contributions. However, the nirvana hinted at by Vannevar Bush with the sum total of human knowledge at our fingertips is not so blissful. With the advantages, we also see hate speech, rumors, conspiracy theories, cyberbullying, AI systems turned racist, fake news, click fraud, adversarial IR, privacy concerns -- the list goes on. What happened? As the premier international conference dedicated to the study of information, people, and technology in contemporary society, the ASIS&T Annual Meeting is a forum to assist in addressing these issues as we continue to push forward the positive contributions of information and technology.

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