Labs and Faculty Pages
Catherine Beneteau
I am an Associate Professor in the Mathematics and Statistics Department at the 日本无码AV.
Here is my Curriculum Vitae.
I was educated in Canada, at McGill University, where I got my bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics. I obtained my Ph.D. in 1999 at the University at Albany, under the supervision of Boris Korenblum.
My main research interests are in complex function theory, in particular extremal problems and approximation in spaces of analytic functions, and in mathematics education, in particular guided inquiry, curriculum development, and collaborations between mathematicians and mathematics educators.
This semester I am teaching Calculus 1 (MAC 23111) and Real Analysis II (MAA 5307). If you are a student in one of these sections, all course documents are on Canvas.
Personal Information
I am originally from Canada. My father was French Canadian and my mother is American, so I grew up speaking English and French.
If you are a graduate or undergraduate student and are interested in doing research, please contact me.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Dr. Catherine Beneteau
Department of Mathematics
4202 E. Fowler Ave., CMC 342
Tampa, FL 33620
Office: CMC 368
Office Phone Number: (813)-974-9717
Publications in Mathematics
1. A Natural Extension of a Nonsingular Endomorphism of a Measure Space, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 26, (1996), 1261-1273.
2. Jensen Type Inequalities and Radial Null Sets (with B. Korenblum), Analysis, 21, (2001), 99-105. dvi pdf
3. Some Coefficient Estimates for HpFunctions (with B. Korenblum), Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems, Contemporary Mathematics, 364, (2004), 5-14. dvi pdf
4. Remarks on the Bohr phenomenon, with A. Dahlner and D. Khavinson, Computational Methods and Function Theory 4 (2004), No. 1, 1-19. dvi pdf
5. Extremal problems for non-vanishing functions in Bergman spaces, with D. Aharonov, D. Khavinson, and H. S. Shapiro, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 158, (2005), 59-86. dvi pdf
6. The Isoperimetric Inequality via Approximation Theory and Free Boundary Problems, with D. Khavinson, Computational Methods and Function Theory 6 (2006), No. 2, 253-274. dvi pdf
7. A survey of certain extremal problems for non-vanishing analytic functions, C. B茅n茅teau and D. Khavinson, Complex and Harmonic Analysis DES Tech Publications (2007), 45-61. pdf
8. Extremal Problems in the Fock Space, C. B茅n茅teau, B. Carswell, and S. Kouchekian, Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 10 (2010), no. 1, 189-206. dvi pdf
9. A survey of linear extremal problems in analytic function spaces, C. B茅n茅teau and D. Khavinson, Complex Analysis and Potential Theory, CRM Proc. Lecture Notes 55 (2012), 33-46. pdf
10. Selected Problems in Classical Function Theory,, C. B茅n茅teau and D. Khavinson, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, Contemp. Math. 638 (2015), 255-265. pdf
11. Cyclicity in Dirichlet-type Spaces and Extremal Polynomials,, C. B茅n茅teau, A. Condori, C. Liaw, D. Seco, and A. Sola, J. Anal. Math. 126 (2015), 259-286.
12. Cyclicity in Dirichlet-type Spaces and Extremal Polynomials II: Functions on the Bidisk,, C. B茅n茅teau, A. Condori, C. Liaw, D. Seco, and A. Sola, Pacific J. Math. 276 (2015), no. 1, 35-58.
13. Cyclic Polynomials in two variables, , C. B茅n茅teau, G. Knese, L. Kosinski, C. Liaw, D. Seco, and A. Sola, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.
14. Orthogonal Polynomials, Reproducing Kernels, and Zeros of Optimal Approximants,, C. B茅n茅teau, D. Khavinson, C. Liaw, D. Seco, A. Sola, J. London Math. Soc., to appear.
15. A free boundary problem associated with the isoperimetric inequality,, A. Abanov, C. B茅n茅teau, D. Khavinson, R. Teodorescu, under review.
16. Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants: Jacobi matrices and Jentzsch-type theorems,, C. B茅n茅teau, D. Khavinson, C. Liaw, D. Seco, and B. Simanek, under review.
Publications in Mathematics Education
1. Statistics, Technology, and the Social Sciences: a Successful Interdisciplinary Project, C. B茅n茅teau and June Rohrbach,Focus Magazine, 24, no.1, (2004), 9-10.
2. Discrete Wavelet Transformations and Undergraduate Education, C. B茅n茅teau and P. Van Fleet, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 58, no.5, (2011), 656-666. pdf
3. Voices of Mathematicians and Mathematics Teacher Educators Collaborating on Courses for Prospective Secondary Teachers, D. Thompson, C. B茅n茅teau, G. Kersaint, and S. Bleiler, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2012 Yearbook, (2012), 229-241. pdf
4. Promoting Mathematical Reasoning through Critiquing Student Work, C. B茅n茅teau, D. Thompson, and S. Bleiler, Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education (APME), (2014), Karen Karp editor. pdf
5. Peer Led Guided Inquiry in Calculus at the 日本无码AV, C. B茅n茅teau, G. Fox, J. Holcomb, X. Xu, J. Lewis, K. Ramachandran, and S. Campbell, Journal of STEM Education, Vol. 17, No. 2, (2016), 5-13. pdf
6. Navigating co-teaching: perspectives from mathematicians, mathematics educators, and students, C. B茅n茅teau, S. Bleiler, G. Kersaint, M. Krajcevski, and D. Thompson, 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. pdf
7. POGIL in the calculus classroom, C. B茅n茅teau, Z. Guadarrama, J. Guerra, L. Lenz, J. Lewis, A. Straumanis, PRIMUS, to appear.
8. Perspectives on Collaborative Teaching and Implications for Teacher Preparation, C. B茅n茅teau, S. Bleiler-Baxter, G. Kersaint, M. Krajcevski, and D. Thompson, preprint, under review.
9. Implementing Projects in Calculus on a Large Scale at the 日本无码AV, G. Fox, S. Campbell, A. Grinshpan, X. Xu, J. Holcomb, C. B茅n茅teau, J. Lewis, and K. Ramachandran, and S. Campbell, preprint.
1. SPSS 13.0 Update, 2/E, supplement to Social Statistics R. Kendrick and C. B茅n茅teau, Allyn and Bacon, 2006. (16 page manual)
2. Calculus I: A Guided Inquiry, A. Straumanis, C. B茅n茅teau, Z. Guadarrama, J. Guerra, and L. Lenz, POGIL Press and Wiley, 2014 (246 pages).